Aurigane’s team is an expert of prescription glasses in all their key features, such as the quality of lenses and frames. Recently, the team has decided to push a new way to discover the world thanks to Utilens, contact lenses with vitamins.
What are contact lenses Utilens made of?
There are different type of contact lenses, from the coloured one for makeup usage to the one which are used for correcting visual defects. In that case, we are talking about graduated lenses as a medical device used to correcting specific visual defects such as myopia and hyperopia. They are made of Hydrogel, a hydrophilic material that allows a continuing hydration to the eyes.
Utilens daily contact lenses offer another exciting feature, they contain a mix of vitamins that give nourishment and well-being of the eye. E, B6 and B12 are the vitamins included in the lens and each of them help the eyes to stay hydrated and healthy all day long. Vitamin E relieves the itching sensation, vitamin B6 allows the magnesium absorption, which is a source of strength and energy, and vitamin B12 protects your cornea from possible trauma.
If you wish to find out all the benefits derived from daily contact lenses Utilens, click here!
How Utilens daily contact lenses work.
It’s pretty easy! The lens adheres to the eye, attaching to the sclera, the white zone near the iris, thanks to a water mechanism. The lens remains attached to the eye thanks to a water circle, that absorbs and gives water to the eye, making it hydrated. Utilens daily disposable contact lenses offer you many benefits: 1) correction of visual defects 2) continuing hydration of the eyes and 3) an energy boost for your eyes thanks to the vitamins, which also helps you in putting and removing the lens without problems.
A little advice.
Utilens’s packaging is made of 30 daily disposable contact lenses that, with regular use, last 15 days. So, remember to “keep an eye” on the quantities remaining in the packaging. Also, if you need different corrections for your visual defects, you can buy different contact lenses with different gradations.

Are you eligible to wear contact lenses?
To wear daily disposable contact lenses, without any discomfort, you need a good eye's wateriness, this value is based on your tear. This means that if you have low quality of wateriness, you will find difficulties wearing the lenses.
If you ever feel your eyes dry, it's suggested to buy contact lenses with a high percentage of water inside of them. That's why we had the idea to create Utilens, our daily disposable contact lenses with a large amount of water inside plus vitamins, with the specific goal to offer a product wearable to everyone.

The values to check before purchasing.
Before buying contact lenses, remember to pay attention to two different values :
Transmissibility: it's one of the most important values to look for, it represents the capability of the lens to transmit oxygen, and it's indicated with «Dk/t ». To be considered a good product, contact lenses' transmissibility must be from 20 to 40.
Percentage of water: it's a good value to keep in mind, if it is between 30% and 70%, it allows a good recycle of oxygen and water inside the eyes.
Utilens contact lenses are a perfect solution for anyone is looking for comfort but also in the security of a great product.

Did you know that...
The first person who discover the mechanism of contact lenses was Leonardo da Vinci. He found out that putting the eyes in a water ball, the perspective of the visual changed.
A little overview about Utilens daily disposable contact lenses to discover deeply this amazing world.
If you need to make your vision unique, chose Utilens!